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Thank you for your interest and support of the Center for Dialog & Resolution. We have served Pierce County for nearly three decades, with the mission to resolve differences and strengthen relationships in the community with inclusive and equitable dialog. 


We would love to speak with you further about becoming a sponsor. Please contact our Community and Donor Relations Manager, Celyna Addison at ThankYou@CenterForResolution.org or 253.572.3657 ext. 113.


Thank you for considering a donation to make that possible! 



Zazz 2024 - Event Sponsorship
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Platinum Event Sponsor (8 included) $0.00

Platinum sponsorships ($10,000) recognizes your support for the Center for Dialog & Resolution in these ways:

·         Eight (8) tickets to our Zazz Event

·         Feature video on CDR's social media sites

·         Logo/name on Supporter web page

·         Recognition at Zazz Event

·         Two registrations for a CDR training

·         Logo/name on Gala materials

·         Acknowledgement in our newsletter

·         Logo/name showcase on social media

Ignite Event Sponsor (6 included) $0.00

Ignite sponsorships ($5,000) recognizes your support for the Center for Dialog & Resolution in these ways:

·         Six (6) tickets to Zazz

·         Logo/name on Supporter web page

·         Recognition at Zazz Event

·         One registration for a CDR training

·         Logo/name on Gala materials

·         Acknowledgement in our newsletter

·         Logo/name showcase on social media

Connect Event Sponsor (4 included) $0.00

Connect sponsorships ($2,500) recognizes your support for the Center for Dialog & Resolution in these ways:

·         Four (4) tickets to our Zazz Event

·         Logo/name on Supporter web page

·         Recognition at Zazz

·         Logo/name on Gala materials

·         Acknowledgement in our newsletter

·         Logo/name showcase on social media

Hope Event Sponsor (2 included) $0.00

Hope sponsorships ($1,000) recognizes your support for the Center for Dialog & Resolution in these ways:

·         Two (2) tickets to our Zazz Event

·         Logo/name on Supporter web page

·         Recognition at Zazz

·         Logo/name on Gala materials

·         Acknowledgement in our newsletter

·         Logo/name showcase on social media

Spark Event Sponsor $0.00

Spark sponsorships ($500) recognizes your support for the Center for Dialog & Resolution in these ways:

·         Logo/name on Supporter web page

·         Acknowledgement in our newsletter

·         Logo/name showcase on social media

I authorize Center for Dialog & Resolution to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event ZAZZ 2024 - 30th Anniversary Event. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank You Sponsors!